Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week Eight, Assignment #19

#19. Take a look at LibraryThing and catalog some of your favorite books.

I created an account at LibraryThing. I added 6 books that I own that I have either read recently or I plan to read shortly. I found LibraryThing easy to use. I'm considering using it to list all the secondhand books I've bought that I've set aside and forgotten. I have a box of them upstairs, and a selection of them on the downstairs bookshelf. I forget about them -- you know, too many books, too little time. LibraryThing should help me remember what I'm planning to read. Here's the link to my account:

The mystery novels had a lot of people sharing the titles. The tango books were another story. Two other people shared my interest in one title, and no one else but me was listing the other one.

I found that LibraryThing has a widget I can embed on my blog. Here it is:

On, I discovered this article about LibraryThing and its making available a million bookcover images to users: Since we usually encounter copyright restrictions on using book cover images, I thought there might be some professional interest in this open source distribution.

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